Your Doctor or Nurse has chosen to prescribe NATROX® Oxygen Wound Therapy to assist in healing your wound.
While we hope this website provides useful and practical information, please remember your clinical team should be your first point of contact for information regarding your wound care. If you have product-specific questions not covered by our website, please contact us.
What is NATROX® Oxygen Wound Therapy?
A small, portable device about the size of a mobile phone designed to stimulate wound healing. It produces pure humidified oxygen from the surrounding air and diffuses it evenly across the wound bed.
NATROX® Oxygen Wound Therapy
Why is oxygen important?
Many clinicians have studied the important role of oxygen in wound healing. Research shows without correct levels of oxygen in tissues, it is very difficult for wounds to heal. Adding supplementary topical oxygen can help kickstart the healing process.
How does it work?
The device extracts oxygen from the air and delivers it to the wound through our proprietary Oxygen Delivery System (ODS), which is in direct contact with the wound surface. This continuous supply of oxygen ensures an oxygen-rich environment around the wound area. The system operates silently and provides a continuous flow of pure humidified oxygen.